Teacher Training, Guides and Curriculum
The treatises, articles, outlines and reference materials in this section apply the Biblical worldview concepts of the Get Wisdom! Education Program to practical education in the home or school. This will eventually include a complete system of teacher training, curriculum teacher guides and references.
School and Classroom Principles and Methods
This first offering the expanded manuscript version of our time-tested teaching training course in school and classroom principles and methods. Based in and building upon the rigorous first step in mastering a practical approach to applied Biblical faith and Christian education.
This work rests primarily in a historic understanding of Christian doctrine of the Holy Trinity. God is One, and of Three Persons, of perfect individuality in perfect mutual relationship. God imposed, as a reflection of Himself, unique individuality of all things, this individuality defined by the individual’s relationship to everything else. This understanding gives tremendous power toward the understanding and mastery of every school and life subject, every human endeavor. It also reveals the way God aims men aims to establish every human relationship. God’s Principle of Individuality with Union provides the power of mastery over every school and life subject, and insight to handle diversity in the classroom while meeting the needs of every student.
Get Wisdom! School and Classroom Principles and Methods covers:
- Biblical Educational Goals
- Parent, Teacher, Student responsibilities and relationships
- Organizing every subject for mastery by every student in a classroom
- Curriculum Planning and Time Discipline — a unique, flexible approach
- Classroom Presentation and Practice — truly meeting student needs
- Appendix, filled with practical examples
Go to the Get Wisdom! School and Classroom Principles and Methods Store page
Individual Subject Teacher Guides and Curriculum Materials
Several decades of unique classroom-tested curriculum content for every school subject and grades awaits publication. We will polish and publish according to the availability of supporting resources and demand.
Literacy Curriculum
We have published our Get Wisdom! Literacy Complete Curriculum including the McGuffey’s eReaders and Classroom Lessons, and free supplemental materials.
Go to the Get Wisdom! Store Literacy Page…
The Rest of the Curriculum
In the meantime, we will share what we have when we can on request, or by contract. Contact Us