Book by Ron Kirk…

Thy Will Be Done: When All Nations Call God Blessed
Many years ago, my friend Jerry Nordskog challenged me to write a book on how the world might appear when the faith of Christ grew to fulfilled maturity. My life’s work sought God’s goals for mankind, upon Jesus’ prayer, Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God’s Word and providential history provide a model, hinting at what a fulfilled godliness might look like. Personal experience buttressed our convictions.
Well, that book became a reality under the Nordskog Publishing title Thy Will Be Done: When All Nations Call God Blessed. Among Thy Will Be Done’s endorsers are national and international Christian leaders including William J. Murray, son of atheist Madeline Murray O’Hare, Mark Rushdoony of Chalcedon Foundation, Carole Adams of the Foundation for American Christian Education, and Christian historian Stephen McDowell. The late Christian leader Eugene Clingman said that Thy Will Be Done could become a classic.
The book is designed to be an approachable and enjoyable read, but also deep enough to plant the seed of universal Christian expression as the proper basis for all Great Commission work. Everything belongs to Christ. Everything is evangelical.
Then, through systematic and diverse application of a few Biblical principles, the book plants seeds toward mastering those principles. Thy Will Be Done treats of the individual, the home, the church, the sciences and arts, education, and civil relationships of every sphere.
This book promises not only to expand the understanding of Christ’s Lordship in everything as the only basis for recovery of civilization, but also powerfully complements our educational work.
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Nearly 30 years ago Ron Kirk’s teaching and writing transformed my life and family and laid a Biblical-reasoning foundation for our ministry (New Hope Uganda) that is impacting thousands. This new book takes the reasoning and life-application of Biblical principles to a new level. If only God’s people would read and learn and apply — for the sake of the children, for transforming the generations to come!
Jay Dangers
Founder and Director,
New Hope Uganda: Bringing the Fatherhood of God to the Fatherless, Kasana, Uganda
Thy Will Be Done paints an impressive canvas for the prospects for the world, based upon a multilayered study of the foundations of the United States—of the republic’s origins and Biblical principles. The vision is uncompromising and compassionate in its call, placing the individual citizen in overlapping circles of family, church, and civic communities. An educator at heart, Ron Kirk unfolds a national history almost like a curriculum scope and sequence for the redeemed person; a grammar of personal responsibility fitted into a story of freedom, as the creature obeys his Creator in every part of his life.
Mike T. Sugimoto
Professor of Asian Studies,
Pepperdine University, Malibu, California
It is a sad paradox that Christians regularly pray the Lord’s Prayer, that God’s “will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven,” but they then demonstrate absolutely no inclination whatsoever to believe that such a prayer could, or even should, be answered. In this powerful book, Ronald Kirk proposes that Christians actually believe the Gospel! And that we would then live like it in every aspect of life. That we would yearn to see Christ’s blessings flow “as far as the curse is found.”
Gratefully recommended.George Grant
Author, Educator, Founder of Green Meadow Study Center and Franklin Classical School. Pastor of Parish Presbyterian Church, Franklin, Tennessee
The Church in America has been drifting for several decades — away from orthodox views of the Christian faith in favor of postmodern ideas about God and life. The future of the Church for our children and grandchildren is much in doubt. Yet, God has always preserved His remnant to show the way back. Such is the case with Thy Will Be Done, from Ron Kirk. I so much appreciate Ron’s work here and I want to say that this resource should be in every Church library and indeed in every Christian home. Ron points out how important Psalm 110 is to the Christian faith, as used in the New Testament numerous times! If you see the great theological importance of this matter alone, you will have been richly rewarded far beyond the cost of the book. Yet there is so much more that will bless you for years to come.
Dan Smithwick
Founder and President,
Nehemiah Institute and Premier Worldview Center, Lexington, Kentucky
In these days when personal morality and revered institutions seem to be collapsing all around us, it can be a real benefit to spend some time considering how a truly godly society would function. Ronald Kirk’s Biblically guided imaginary journey touches every sphere of human life — home, church, civil government, productive enterprise, and others. Thy Will Be Done: When All Nations Call God Blessed presents not a distant millennial kingdom, but the beginnings of the Kingdom of God in life today.
It is Kirk’s stated belief that the spiritual decline of some very liberal
denominations began with withdrawal from the world and refusal to fully engage in public affairs—and with lost individuals in our communities. But what if each of us did commit to being salt and light, what would our communities look like then? That is the engaging premise of this book, something that every Christian should consider.William J. Murray
Religious Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC
Thy Will Be Done: When All Nations Call God Blessed focuses on the heart
of our Mission. The Great Commission must be our supreme ambition. Christ’s last Command must be our first concern.Ronald Kirk’s study on the practical implications of comprehensively
applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life will inform, inspire, and involve its readers in seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.There is nothing more important. We must love God with all of our heart,
soul, mind, and strength and we must love our neighbour as ourselves. This requires making disciples of all nations and teaching obedience to all that the Lord has commanded.May we be faithful in working for world Evangelisation and Biblical
Reformation. May God be merciful to grant us a Heaven sent Spiritual Revival.We pray and work towards the day when God’s Will is done on earth and when all nations call Him blessed.
Peter Hammond
Author, Missionary, Founder and Director,
Frontline Fellowship, Christian Action, and The Reformation Society, Cape Town, South Africa
Christian history documents the unfolding answer to Christ’s kingdom prayer as His people have taken the Bible seriously. As fellow students and representatives of America’s Christian liberty will, I commend Ron Kirk’s Thy Will Be Done. It summarizes the Biblical view and its legacy as he treats a broad range of subjects and at the same time illuminates the simple set of underlying Biblical principles that make a Christian society possible.
Stephen McDowell
Providence Foundation and Biblical Worldview University, Charlottesville, Virginia
This book takes the phrase “Thy Kingdom come” and applies it to every nook and cranny of modern day life, compelling every reader to re-assess how to apply God’s truth to our lives, community, church, and nation.
Brad Dacus
Pacific Justice Institute, Sacramento and Santa Ana, California
Ron Kirk has produced in Thy Will Be Done a panorama of the Kingdom of God. He invites you to ascend with him to higher ground and there to observe the Kingdom, in all its complexity and simplicity, as a whole whose parts each contribute to the blessedness of God’s grace and goodness. He is an able and reliable guide for the grand tour of life lived in Christ. Look within this book for guidance in Biblically directed living upon a simple set of Biblical principles and be eternally blessed.
Carole Adams
Foundation for American Christian Education and
Founder, StoneBridge School, Chesapeake, Virginia
The vision Ron Kirk displays in these pages is no mirage. For more than a
decade I have personally known Ron and his dear wife Christina and their five children. Ron is the kind of man it would take to write such a book. Herein is a vision of maturing Christians who produce maturing Christian culture which in turn radiates with increasing clarity the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. As we mature, a greater and clearer witness shines out to our neighbors, whom we love by genuine Christian life lived each day in every station and endeavor of human life God hands us. In this book you will find food for your soul, encouragement for your heart, challenge, and sometimes kind rebuke. Here is a book worth your time and worthy of giving to others. Every reader will find here substantial and weighty though eminently readable fare. Pastors and teachers, you will find herein a bag of good seed that will settle and grow in your own hearts, and give you plenty to sow in those who hear you. Ron’s work may become a classic. I pray God will use it to His own glory and the edification of His Church. May it add to that River of the Water of Life that brings blessing and life to the world for which God gave His only begotten Son!Eugene C. Clingman
Late Executive Administrator,
International Church Council Project, Winona, Missouri
How is it that we have tens of millions of Christians in this country, yet the
nation continues to slide further into a moral morass? Ron Kirk’s new book, Thy Will Be Done, helps answer the question. And it shows how we can get back on track, using the Word of God as our guide.Jerry Newcombe
Truth-in-Action Ministries, Co-host, Truth that
Transforms, Coral Ridge, FloridaAuthor, The Book that Made America
Kirk makes an ambitious offering to give his readers a comprehensive introduction to a Christian worldview applied to all areas of life. He simplifies for the layman just how to reconstruct their personal life according to Biblical principles and then how to apply those same theological truths to family, church, and community in a positive advancement of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Brian Godawa
Hollywood Worldviews, and Word Pictures
Author, Myth Became Fact: Storytelling, Imagination, and Apologetics in the Bible
When the Western church was confronted with modernism in the early twentieth century, it responded by properly defending the fundamentals of the faith. Unfortunately the defense of the fundamentals quickly became the emphasis on what certain churchmen deemed as essential and, before long, the de-emphasis of all else as “a distraction from the gospel message.” Such a shift, in fact played into the hands of the modernists by excluding the application of Scripture to many areas. The message of the church became smaller and largely personal, first of all in its followers and then naturally in the eyes of its critics. A minimal Christian message and footprint resulted. Ron Kirk’s book serves to encourage a greater application of the faith, a maximal Christian message, a full-orbed perspective of the implications of a faith that speaks to all of life and
thought.Mark Rushdoony
Chalcedon Foundation, Vallecito, California
The two most important questions for which we humans seek answers are these: 1) What is God like? and 2) What is the goal of His activity in the world? What will the world resemble when indeed God answers the prayer Jesus told us to pray in Mathew 6:10, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”? How will we know when that prayer has been answered? For years this has been of particular interest to me in the jurisdictions of the family and the church, which, along with the civil government, make up God’s three ordained institutions. I am convinced there are clear, knowable, and understandable answers to those two questions.
Ronald Kirk has undertaken the monumental task of examining question No. 2 in detail, not simply in the family or the church, but in every area of human endeavor. What will business, the sciences, the arts, education, philanthropy, recreation, civil government, and national foreign policy all look like when God’s will is done on the earth? Based on a wealth of experience as an educator and a theologian, Ron has written a sweeping magnum opus to answer that question.
He does so with a precision, clarity, and attention to detail that is amazing. Again and again as questions came into my mind, Ron answered them in the next paragraph. His work is balanced, positive, and concise. Sadly, not all Christians have either the positive view of the future that Ron holds, nor his firm belief in the sovereignty of God. However, I found his picture of the world under the righteous rule of Jesus Christ to be, frankly, very encouraging. Prepare yourself for an intellectual spiritual feast!
Robert Andrews
Gospel Parenting, Rice, Washington
Educator and Author of The Family: God’s Weapon for Victory
Ronald Kirk has acquired a deep foundation of useful knowledge over a wide range of important topics; and he has the unique ability to apply that knowledge with wisdom evidencing a truly Reformed Christian Worldview. In Thy Will be Done, he has communicated cogently the results of his studies, giving us many insights which present his inspired vision of how we ought to conduct ourselves individually, as family leaders, as church members, and as citizens to restore God’s Kingdom on earth in all areas of life. I recommend this book most highly.
Kendall Thurston
Retired real estate appraiser and expert witness, and longtime applied-faith advocate and worker, Murphys, California
In Thy Will Be Done, Ronald Kirk hopes to “pique the imagination of all
those called of God toward the realization of Christ’s purpose for men.” As one whose imagination has been suitably piqued by reading this book, I wholeheartedly commend this “crafted approach to Biblically directed living” to all who have prayed and meant the words of The Lord’s Prayer.Neil McKinlay
Australian PCA Pastor and armed forces chaplain. Author, From Mason to Minister and Jefferson’s Tears.
Too many Christians think compartmentally instead of in an integrated
manner. The fact is God thinks something about everything. It, therefore,
behooves His children to seek to discern our Father’s thoughts about everything. I do not think that whether the reader agrees with Mr. Kirk’s conclusions on every matter is the most important issue. If reading this book drives us to the Scriptures and our knees to learn to think God’s thoughts after Him, it will have served a supremely great purpose.Errol Hale
Grace Bible Church, Moorpark, California
Ron Kirk has presented us with a vision for what the future will be like when Christians come to appreciate the full significance of God’s plan for this world. Thy Will Be Done paints a picture of what this world could, and some day will, become. It also shows us the steps involved in making the transition from what we see around us today to a truly God-honoring world. It is a road map, a Biblically based and sure guide for all who would honor God by putting their hands to the task of building that kingdom to come and God’s will to be done on earth.
Lou Poumakis
Author of Faith on Earth?, Boynton Beach, Florida