What would life be like if Christ’s model prayer was fulfilled? Here is an imaginative but realistic Biblical guide to that life. Rather than some foolish utopian dream, Thy Will Be Done presents a powerful depiction of a sinful world redeemed and transformed by Christ as suggested by the prophets. The author’s lifetime study of the Bible’s instructions for loving God and loving man fuels this thoughtful extended, everyman essay. A few simple Biblical principles guide a systematic and practical approach to a fulfilled Gospel life and the earthly tools needed for it.
The author weaves a tapestry of possibility–Christ’s people growing as salt and light, putting flesh on the Bible’s vision of blessing in every aspect of human life and endeavor. The message brings joy to all peoples and glory to the One who came to save the world. Let us hasten the day!
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Many years ago, my friend Jerry Nordskog challenged me to write a book on how the world might appear when the faith of Christ grew to fulfilled maturity. My life’s work sought God’s goals for mankind, upon Jesus’ prayer, Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God’s Word and providential history provide a model, hinting at what a fulfilled godliness might look like. Personal experience buttressed our convictions.
Well, that book became a reality under the Nordskog Publishing title Thy Will Be Done: When All Nations Call God Blessed. Among Thy Will Be Done’s endorsers are national and international Christian leaders including William J. Murray, son of atheist Madeline Murray O’Hare, Mark Rushdoony of Chalcedon Foundation, Carole Adams of the Foundation for American Christian Education, and Christian historian Stephen McDowell. The late Christian leader Eugene Clingman said that Thy Will Be Done could become a classic.
The book is designed to be an approachable and enjoyable read, but also deep enough to plant the seed of universal Christian expression as the proper basis for all Great Commission work. Everything belongs to Christ. Everything is evangelical.
Then, through systematic and diverse application of a few Biblical principles, the book plants seeds toward mastering those principles. Thy Will Be Done treats of the individual, the home, the church, the sciences and arts, education, and civil relationships of every sphere.
This book promises not only to expand the understanding of Christ’s Lordship in everything as the only basis for recovery of civilization, but also powerfully complements our educational work.