Free eBook Introduction and Orientation to the entire Get Wisdom! Education Program™

The Get Wisdom! Biblical Education Program offers a complete Biblical Education for Faith, Character, Wisdom, Excellence, Accomplishment, first via training in the historic Biblical faith, thinking, wisdom and skill that built early America and led to the world’s first self-governing republic based in Biblical Christian thought and living.
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The Get Wisdom! Biblical Education Program™ results from over forty years of Biblical and historic study of educational purposes, theory, and crafted classroom practice. It is an everyman’s approach to a complex subject, proven accessible to anyone over decades.
Welcome to the Get Wisdom! Education Program introduces this ground-breaking work including fast-track training toward systematic and specific Biblical thinking and action for any life subject or topic. Welcome introduces the entire applied Biblical thinking education program.
As we likewise do for the school subjects, Welcome offers a Quick Start preparation for harried teachers, while the Go Deep training quickly prepares the serious teacher in the critical relational and economic areas of life. By economic we mean everything to do with the knowledge and arts of life. Then, all the strategic life subjects we call school subjects—literacy, mathematics, history, literature, natural science, Bible, and musicianship and composition complete the foundations for most free, just, and productive life in Christ possible. Therefore, this program is not only for the classroom teacher, but anyone desiring self-consciously to forge his life’s character and purpose around his own unique gifts and calling—in his vocation and every area of life.
The go deep portion of this training starts with Get Wisdom! Making Christian Heroes of Ordinary People, published separately. Get Wisdom! reestablishes the Biblical vision, now almost, for life once common in America, and restores the spiritual and intellectual tools required. For over twenty-five years, we quickly and very successfully trained excellent classroom teachers in a matter of months.
School and Classroom Principles and Methods, also published separately, then applies the practical worldview training of Get Wisdom! specifically to the education. Principles and Methods restores the historic Biblical educational Knowledge, Wisdom, Skill, Character, Faith, and Stewardship of Society required for a complete, Biblical Christian walk.
The Get Wisdom! Biblical Education Program essentially applies the Bible’s relational requirements to the educational process. God is One and Three Persons, of perfect individuality in perfect mutual relationship. In turn, God imposes unique individuality in relationship to all things. The Gospel of Christ is God’s means of restoring relationship—first with God, then with our neighbor, and then with creation which groans for deliverance from its futility through the revealing of the sons of God.
This understanding gives tremendous power toward the understanding and mastery of every school and life subject, every human endeavor. It also reveals the way God establishes every human relationship on the ground of love. God’s Principle of Individuality with Union provides the power of mastery over every school and life subject, and insight to handle diversity in the classroom for the benefit of every student.
Little by little, we will roll out the school subjects. Our complete literacy program—phonics, spelling, reading and grammar—comes first.