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Get Wisdom! Biblical Education Program™ promises…

  • Regain lost evangelical tools
  • Learn what the Bible requires of every man and woman of faith
  • Acquire the tools necessary to take every thought captive to Christ, for every activity in life
  • Master any subject Biblically — for any vocation or avocation
  • Acquire an overcoming faith
  • Learn time-tested Biblical principles and practices for teaching and learning
  • Prepare for the Christian citizenship required for the Gospel work

Though perhaps difficult to conceive, every one of the following has actually happened and we should expect by faith.


  • Restored families through a church or school ministry
  • Five-year-olds who love learning and capable of self-government
  • Early literacy and mathematics mastery—emphasizing effort by faith, not the duress of achievement
  • A school successfully running on a Biblical, relational family model, rather than the mainstream institutional one
  • The poorest African orphans becoming Christian moms and dads, and leaders of their country
  • A childish kindergartner incapable of play or serious work, sullen, dyslexic, and with a speech impediment. In one year, she became literate at a second grade level and overcame her speech impediment. She learned to persevere in learning tasks by faith. More importantly, she became a cheerful, well-adjusted child who could play with her friends.
  • A small school of sixty to eighty kindergarten through high school students becoming like family with older students watching out for younger ones like big brothers and sisters — no bullying or pecking order
  • A group of students of various ages playing co-ed dodge ball or basketball without bullying or injury, but rather the stronger preferring the weaker
  • From a demanding third-grade earth science class, while at the beach playing, we overheard students discussing the evaporation-precipitation cycle
  • Former students remaining life-long friends
  • An educational professional confessing she learned more about reading in ten minutes from one of our presentations than she learned in two years of graduate study in education
  • Every student in a school learning to read well — no exceptions including those previously hindered or damaged in their education
  • Dyslexic children and adults overcoming their disability
  • Every high school student learning upper math including algebra and geometry
  • First graders capable of forming their own multiplication tables because they understand the nature of numbers and operations
  • Kindergartners and first graders all successfully learning the rudiments of fractions and geometry
  • A difficult class of middle schoolers — having driven two teachers from the school — becoming engaged, respectful, and accomplished students in only six months
  • College-ready high schoolers graduating at age sixteen
  • Decent, productive young people becoming successful in their vocations, becoming great parents, and contributing to their communities
  • The founding of a successful k-12 school — now over twenty years old — in only three months, including teacher training and curriculum preparation
  • Early Christian America essentially building itself on an eighth-grade education, as commentator Mark Stein once said, with literacy equivalent to a present-day master’s degree
  • The nation of Uganda becoming a self-governing Christian nation, restoring the fatherhood of God and families, using the Biblical concepts of Get Wisdom!

These things and much more are possible and can become common when the constituents of education — parents, teachers, students — receive a truly Biblical, historical, proven learning approach.

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