After a very long time, by God’s Providence and the help of Christian tech enterpriser Rob Monster’s great jumpstart in 2021, I have finally earnestly begun to edit, polish, and publish my life’s work in applied Biblical faith and its educational system.
I am asking help to spread the word to friends about the availability of this life-changing educational work, especially professional and home educators, but also anyone who would like the tools to study and live any subject Biblically.
To introduce and summarize this work is not easy, especially its implications. It amounts to studying history for fruitful endeavors such as the fledgling American republic, taking its principles back to Scripture systematically to verify, refine or correct, and then reapply in detail. The fundamental epistemological principle is Christ’s you know a tree by its fruit. The goal is Biblical thinking and practice, under the divine disadvantage of faith, toward a reality of godly gifting and calling, character, skills, wisdom, work ethic, civic stewardship responsibility, and the real-time ability to apply the Scripture to everything in life—taking every thought captive. And we have been wildly successful in the program with real people of every native ability, background, and culture over decades, especially with child education. See my Imagine webpage for examples.
So far, I have published twelve books designed for self-study and implementation, especially for the classroom. These include intensive worldview training to develop the skills for thinking and acting Biblical as a way of life. It was our effective teacher training instrument where we could go from zero-experience to effective classroom teaching in a matter of months. The principle is something akin to investing in mathematical, grammar, or musical training to achieve on-demand skill.
For the US and developed countries, I keep prices low to encourage anyone to avail themselves. Part of the plan is also to make our resources available at no cost in developing countries.
We lost America through the high-jacking of a once Christian education system. We must restore godly generational education if we ever have hope of restoring and improving a just, free, self-governing republic based in thorough-going Biblical thought and power, or planting such republics around the world.
I pray I have contributed something through our schools, seminars, personal ministry, work with Chalcedon Foundation, Nordskog Publishing, or my small efforts on social media. Now I sense an urgency to get this work out in the fullest way possible while I have breath, and so humbly seek your assistance.
Once we could demonstrate the work’s merit with the real-life example of our schools. Now, all I have is persuasion and endorsement from friends. Essentially, I ask you to invest in acquaintance with the latest expression of the Get Wisdom! Education Program sufficiently to recommend it with confidence. Then, please share with Christian friends, especially those involved in education—professionally or homeschool, but really, anyone who might embrace applied Biblical faith thinking and living. Getting the word out is most important!
A quick browse of the Get Wisdom! website here will give a good introduction. Please download our Informational Flyer to share with friends.
If you have any other ideas, I heartily welcome them.
Please let me know if you wish to help. I greatly appreciate anything you might do, and especially your prayers. Spreading the word is critical. This is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s work, a work He inspired in me a very long time ago, with amazing fruit that keeps me going.
Thank you! God bless you and yours at this exciting time of Christian remembrance and celebration of our salvation.
Yours for the King,